vet holding dog and cat

  • Caring for Your Horse

    Horse owners form a special bond with their horses, but this close connection comes with the responsibility of caring for your equine companion throughout its life. This means taking care of your horse every day throughout the year, come rain or shine. If you do this well, your horse can live up to 35

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  • Physical Exam

    Your horse might look as healthy as, well, a horse, making you wonder whether he really needs an annual exam. However, if anything is wrong with your horse’s health, it’s always better to detect a problem earlier rather than later. Your equine veterinarian can also advise on preventive measures to

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  • Nutrition

    You can divide horse nutrition into six categories: carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals and water. If you get the right feed for your horse, it might take care of the first five. Supplement the feed with plenty of water, and your horse should have all of its needs met. However, to be sure

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  • Horse Health

    Looking after a horse is a complicated and, at times, trying experience. Part of a well horse health program includes routine vaccination and deworming. In addition to caring for the inside, however, two simple ways to maintain horse health are regular grooming and equine massage. Vaccinations Vaccinations

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  • Hoof Health and Care

    Horse hooves are complex structures that tell you a lot about your horse’s health and wellbeing. They’re also susceptible to many problems. Here are a few hoof basics as well as some of the major hoof issues your horse faces. Anatomy If you look at the bottom of a horse’s hoof, you’ll see two

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  • Food and Nutrition

    From your point of view, as the caregiver, it is important to familiarize your horse with being handled-and of course, it is always gratifying to have a horse with a clean and smart appearance. Feeding your horse correctly is a vital element of effective horse care. A horse's natural grazing pattern

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  • Nutrition and Weight Control

    Like humans, cats need a balanced diet and to maintain a healthy weight, for optimal physiological functioning. Feeding your cat too much can lead to obesity; feeding your cat too little can lead to malnourishment. Furthermore, a cat may have an aversion to a certain cat food or a condition causing loss

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  • Spaying or Neutering Cats

    Unless you plan on breeding your cat, spaying or neutering it is the best way to slow down feline overpopulation. Many cats that are born each year end up in overcrowded shelters or are abandoned in the wild. Spaying or neutering your cat early in its life can prevent this unnecessary suffering. Benefits

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  • Caring for Senior Cats

    Thanks to advancements in veterinary care, today’s cats can live well into their teen years. It is not uncommon for cats to live to be 18 or even older. However, in order for cats to live a long full life, they need proactive veterinary care to stay healthy. As cats age, they are at greater risk for

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  • Family Cats and Pregnant Women: Take Measures to Prevent Toxoplasmosis Infection

    Nothing must spoil the joys of becoming a new parent. Not even your pets. But family cats with normal, every day habits can pose a risk to expectant women. Women's immune systems can be disturbed by a parasite carried in fecal matter. If you're the primary caretaker of your family's feline friend it

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  • Catnip: Why Cats Love It

    Few things stimulate a cat's pleasure faster than catnip. Exposure to this simple herb can reveal a new side to their feline personality. Many cats will go crazy at the smell of this plant. Catnip has a reputation of being a feline drug and many cat owners wonder if it is safe to give it to their pet.

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  • Health Hazards

    Cat lovers do not like to contemplate the expression “Curiosity killed the cat.” Nonetheless, it is true that cats like to explore and all too often they can encounter serious hazards in their own homes. Cat owners need to assess these dangers so their cats stay safe and happy. Everyday Hazards Home

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  • Cats and Poisons

    Many cat owners already know that insecticides and antifreeze are not things their cats should consume. However, many everyday, innocuous-seeming substances are also poisonous to cats. From a beautiful bouquet of lilies to human medications casually left around the house, you never know what you cat

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  • Anesthesia

    It’s an unfortunate fact that most cats don’t relish a trip to the vet. For this reason, sometimes they need to be sedated—both for their own and the veterinarian’s safety—during even relatively simple procedures. Anything from dental care to a major surgery may require anesthesia. Some especially

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  • Behavioral Issues

    No matter how much you love your cat, some behaviors are hard to tolerate and may even be dangerous to you, your cat or others. Here are a few common cat behavioral issues and how to best manage them. Cognitive Dysfunction Due to better food, information and veterinary care, cats are living longer than

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  • Aging

    Owners often feel sad when they are forced to admit that their beloved cat is no longer jumping as high or running as fast as he or she used to. But cats, like humans, are living longer than ever, and their golden years can be of high quality despite slowing down. Advances in veterinary care, better

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